MY DAYS ARE IN HIS HANDS! (Ruth 1:19 – 2:23)
1. LOSS! (1:19-22)
Of everything except God
2. LOVE! (2:1-16)
A Sovereign lover (God) &
An earthly lover (Boaz)
3. LIFE! (2:17-23)
New security
New hope
1. LOSS! (1:19-22)
Of everything except God
2. LOVE! (2:1-16)
A Sovereign lover (God) &
An earthly lover (Boaz)
3. LIFE! (2:17-23)
New security
New hope
TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR HEART Where is your treasure? TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR MIND Where is your focus? TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR ACTIONS Who or what are you serving? 1. “I value all things only by the price they shall gain in eternity.” (John Wesley) 2. “I place no value on anything…
1. ITS HEAD! I will build MY Church 2. ITS HEART! Love – vertical & horizontal 3. ITS HOPE! Holy, blameless, above reproach, like Jesus
Proverbs 3:11-12 1. The COMMAND Do not despise the Lord’s discipline or reproof 2. The REASON It’s a lesson of love and a display of delight Hebrews 12:3-11 3. The Application and Outcome Our Endurance Our Good Our Holiness Our Peace Our Righteousness
1) ITS INSTRUCTION! You have been taught by God 2) ITS ILLUSTRATION! Your example has spread throughout Macedonia 3) ITS INJUNCTION! Do this more and more
THE CITY OF THYATIRA Textiles, Dyers, Tanners, Leather workers, Guilds. THE CHURCH IN THYATIRA Works, Love, Faith, Ministry, Patience Tolerance, Idolatry, Immorality THE DECREE TO THE CHURCH IN THYATIRA To the Unrepentant To the Faithful
1. A THRONG! (v4) 5,000 men 2. A THREAT! (v1-22) Religious opposition answered 3. A THRONE! (v23-31) A throne of grace and government