WHITE AS SNOW (Isaiah 1:18)
Come now let us reason together says the Lord.
Though your sins are as scarlet.
They shall be as white as snow.
Come now let us reason together says the Lord.
Though your sins are as scarlet.
They shall be as white as snow.
1. The Reasons for the Troubled Hearts (John13) a) One will Betray b) One will Deny c) One will Leave 2. The Reasons for Trusting Faith – (John14) a) You are going to heaven 1-6 b) You know the Father 7-11 c) You have the privilege of prayer 12-15 d) You have the Holy Spirit…
1) ITS CRY! (13:15) “Though He slay me I will hope in Him.” I will trust God no matter what! 2) ITS CREED! (19:23-27) “For I know that my Redeemer lives…..yet in my flesh I will see God.” Redemption and Resurrection! 3) ITS CROWN! (23:10) “But He knows the way that I take; when He…
1. THE PRINCIPLE: WE ARE FAMILY! (v1-2) The Glory of Adoption through Christ The Goal of Adoption in the Church Respect, Affection, Equality, Purity 2. THE PRACTISE: CARE FOR WIDOWS (v3-16) Support widows in need v3-8 Encourage widows to serve v9-16 3. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: We need to apply Godly Discrimination We need to apply Christ-like…
1) MAJESTY! (Ch 38) Questions from the creator: The earth (4-7), the sea (8-11), the dawn (12-15), the depths (16-17), the light (19-21), the snow (22-23), the storms (24-30), the stars (31-33), the clouds (37), the dust (38) 2) MASTERY! (Ch 38 & 39) The wild under His control The lions (ch 38:39), the ravens…
1) MAJESTY! (v29) His face & clothes become dazzling white He became on the outside what He was on the inside 2) MINISTRY! (v30-31) Moses & Elijah spoke of His departure, His cross & His crown 3) MYSTERY! (v34) A cloud came and overshadowed them A cloud of God’s glory 4) MONARCHY! (v35-36) This is…
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Our mercy to each other comes from God’s mercy to us Sees distress; reacts with compassion; responds with practical help; shows no prejudice It’s being like Jesus! Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God Gospel transformation is first of all internal…