Meditation on the Cross (1 Pet 2:22-25)
Sermon outline not available
Sermon outline not available
1. Jesus says NO! to ‘judgementalism’ 2. Jesus says YES! to discernment
Honour His Majesty Celebrate His Victory Rejoice in His Sovereignty 4. Expect His Return
1) FALSEHOOD! (v17-18) You troubler of Israel 2) FAITH! (v19-21) If the Lord is God, follow Him If Baal is God, follow him 3) FOLLY! (v22-29) Oh Baal, answer us!! 4) FIRE! (v30-40) The altar, trench, wood, bull, water (4×3), prayer, fire, judgement
1) ITS INSTRUCTION! You have been taught by God 2) ITS ILLUSTRATION! Your example has spread throughout Macedonia 3) ITS INJUNCTION! Do this more and more
Introduction Context: The rest of the sermon – directed at disciples Contrasts: “ was said …but I tell you….” Sayings vs 43,44 The teaching: Lev 19:18; Ex 23:4,5 – what was added, what was subtracted. The truth: Love with no boundaries, prayer for those who oppose. Sons vs 45 -47 Example: The Father’s practical care v45…
Due to technical difficulties on the sound desk yesterday AM there is no sermon available. NB Mike is currently preparing the GG notes with this in mind. 1. God and Religion v1-5 Hypocrisy is Confronted, Exposed and Rejected 2. God and Reality v6-14 Practical, Godly Behaviour results in the Promise of God’s Blessing “The…