GONE WITH THE WIND! (Matthew 7:24-27)
Mr Wise-Man & Sons
Mr Folly & Sons
Two World Views
Rain, Floods, Wind & Storms
On Christ the solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
1) SEE WHAT? The Lamb of God (v36) Rabbi (v38) The Messiah (Christ) (v41) The One Moses and the Prophets wrote about (v45) Rabbi, Son of God, King of Israel (v49) The Son of Man (v51) 2) TELL WHO? Those whom you influence (v35) Your family (v41) Your friends (v45) Those who despise you (John…
Justification brings: 1) PEACE WITH GOD Justified by faith alone Jesus the redeemer and mediator 2) ACCESS TO GRACE Through the Lord Jesus Christ A new permanent standing 3) HOPE OF GLORY Our certain hope A life of exaltation now
THE CONTEXT a) Impressive Heritage b) Amazing History c) Imposing Society THE COMMENDATION a) Hard Work (v2) b) Patient Endurance (v2) c) High Standards of Holiness (v2) d) Spiritually Discerning (v2, 6) e) Faithful in the Fight (v3) THE CONCERN Abandoning Your First Love (v4) THE COMMAND Remember! – Repent! – Repeat! (v5) THE CONSEQUENCES…
Something: 1. DISTRESSING! (v1-2) A terrifying vision of death and decay: lifeless, useless, helpless 2. DIVINE! (v3-6) ‘The Voice’ and ‘The Breath’ 3. DYNAMIC! (v7-14) They stood on their feet – an exceedingly great array APPLICATIONS: 1. The HISTORICAL application: The return under Cyrus 2. The PROPHETIC application: The return to the land 3. The…
1) A PLAGUE! (v14, 16-18) The infection of false teaching: quarrelling, ruining, babbling, infecting, swerving, upsetting 2) A PLEDGE! (v19) God’s firm foundation: invisible & visible 3) A PLEA! (v15, 20-26) Be diligent (v15) Be clean (v20-22), Be quiet (v23) Be humble (v24-26)
1. The MODEL of FRIENDSHIP David and Jonathan – soul mates, standing together, strengthening one-another in God 2. The MUSTS of FRIENDSHIP All-inclusive Intentional Humble, Accountable, Relational, Dependable 3. The MASTER of FRIENDSHIP Jesus – laying down His life for His friends