SPECULATION (v3-11, 18-20)
a) Bad Teachers and Bad Teaching
b) The Urgency of the Charge
c) The Motive of the Charge
d) The Result of not responding to the Charge
1) A CALL! (v6-14) a) Fan the flame (v6-7) b) Don’t be ashamed (v8) c) Share in the suffering (v8-10) d) Be persuaded (v12) e) Follow the pattern (v13) f) Guard the Gospel (v14) 2) A COLLAPSE! (v15) Of followers and leaders (“All who are in Asia turned away from me..”) 3) A COMFORT! (v16-18)…
Take my poor heart and let it be, forever closed to all but thee. I have but one passion, it is HE and HE alone. Preach the Gospel, die and be forgotten THE COMPANY! (v1-28) Civil and religious leaders, servants and families THE COVENANT! (v29-39) To walk in God’s law (v29), To marry God’s people…
You are loved! a) BELOVED: “Beloved by the Lord” v13, 1 Jn 4:7-10 b) CHOSEN: “God chose you as first fruits to be saved” (Eph 1:4, 1:11) c) CALLED: “To this he called you…” v14, Romans 8:30 You are saved! a) THROUGH SANCTIFICATION BY THE SPIRIT: (1 Thess 1:5, Ephesians 1:13-14, 1 John 3:27)…
Structure: 3 ‘scenes’ a) Ruth & Naomi (2-3) b) Boaz & Ruth (4-17) c) Ruth & Naomi (18-23) KINDNESS SOUGHT v2 “in whose sight I shall find favour” & Ruth 1: 16-17 Lev 19:9-10 KINDNESS FOUND Provision, Protection, Community Hb: “hesed” (loving kindness) Boaz: “in him is strength” – God’s agent of kindness…
The Principle (v21-22) It’s the ROOT that leads to the FRUIT A Matter of the Heart The Practice (v23-26) In the Church and in the Community: BE RECONCILED! A Matter of Priority A Matter of Urgency A Matter of Honesty