THE RACE OF FAITH! (Heb 12:1-2)
The great cloud of witnesses
To lay aside
To run with endurance
To fix your gaze
After the pain comes the prize
The joy of heaven awaits
Due to technical difficulties on the sound desk yesterday AM there is no sermon available. NB Mike is currently preparing the GG notes with this in mind. 1. God and Religion v1-5 Hypocrisy is Confronted, Exposed and Rejected 2. God and Reality v6-14 Practical, Godly Behaviour results in the Promise of God’s Blessing “The…
1. Isaiah 41:v1-7 and 21-29: a) God’s eternal sovereignty – v2-4; 25-28 b) Mankind’s empty idolatry – v5-7; 21-24,29 c) Beware of making good things from God into god things in the place of God (Roms 1:18-32) Take Note: “the human heart is a perpetual idol factory.” (J.Calvin) 2. Isaiah 41:8-20 God’s transforming gospel a)…
1. Don’t Look To the Past (v1-3) Negative Nostalgia Don’t despise the day of small things Unfavourable comparisons between the present and the past undermine all incentives to persevere. 2. Hear God’s Promise in the Present (v4-5) Be strong! I am with you! This is My work – so it matters! You have the presence…
1. DESPAIR! (v13-24) We had hoped…… (v21) Now they were crestfallen & disappointed 2. DISCOVERY! (v25-27) “And beginning with Moses and all the prophets…” (v27) The written word & the living Word. 3. DELIGHT! (v28-35) He opened their eyes He touched their hearts He fed their souls He changed their lives
1. CONFRONTATION (v1-13) a) The Unclean and The Clean b) The Mighty and The Almighty c) The Occupiers and The Liberator 2. TRANSFORMATION (v14-20) a) Legion – The Participator i) Lost to Found ii) Misery to Missionary b) The Locals – The Spectators i) Fearful rather than Faithful ii) Marvelled but not Moved iii) Got…
1. THE VISION! A lamp stand between two olive trees 2. THE VENTURE! To complete the work 3. THE VOICE! a) Of Clarity b) Of Energy c) Of Sovereignty