THAT YOU MAY BELIEVE 18. Caught in a Trap! (John 8:1-11)
1. She was Caught
2. They were Cruel
3. Everyone was Condemned
4. Jesus exercised Justice
5. Jesus applied the Truth
6. Jesus offered Grace
What is the purpose of the church? What does it…do? Glorify, Edify, Multiply… How? “A community of Christians who live as an on-the-ground expression of the supremacy of Jesus, by advancing the gospel in distance, and advancing the gospel in depth” (Jonathan Parnell) How? By ministry Ministry: 4 simple questions What is it? Who…
1) HIS DESPAIR! (v24) He was in mourning. He was absent. He was unbelieving 2) HIS DEMAND! (v25) Unless I see…unless I touch… I will not believe 3) HIS DELIGHT! (v26-29) Jesus came, Jesus spoke, Thomas worshipped
1. The Basics What is prayer and fasting? 2. The Backdrop How should we pray and fast? 3. The Blueprint Who should we pray to and meditate upon? What should we pray for and meditate upon? 4. The Bombshell Why is v14 here?
LORD DELIVER US! From evil LORD DEFEND US! Arise O God and defend Your cause LORD DESCEND TO US! In reviving powe In returning glory
1) MAJESTY! (Ch 38) Questions from the creator: The earth (4-7), the sea (8-11), the dawn (12-15), the depths (16-17), the light (19-21), the snow (22-23), the storms (24-30), the stars (31-33), the clouds (37), the dust (38) 2) MASTERY! (Ch 38 & 39) The wild under His control The lions (ch 38:39), the ravens…
1) THE OFFERING! I am ready. I am poured out. I am going home. 2) THE EPITAPH! I have fought. I have run. I have kept. 3) THE CROWN! Everlasting Righteousness Everlasting Christlikeness Everlasting Blessedness