1. JEALOUSY! (v1-16)
Greed, moodiness, anger, deceit, fraud, murder & theft
2) JUSTICE! (v17-24)
I have found you
See Christ in all the Scriptures
1. “I am a not” a) a VOICE, not the WORD v23 & Isaiah 40:3-5 b) A MESSENGER, not the MESSIAH v23, 1:6-8, 3:28-29 2. “He is the Son of God” v34 “and I have seen and born witness that this is the Son of God” a) Holy Spirit ANOINTED (v32-33a) Matt 3:13-17, Isaiah 11:1-2, Isaiah 42:1…
Soak your minds in the truths of God’s Word Be constantly thankful Pray for wisdom, revelation and knowledge Pray for the enlightening work of the Holy Spirit Pray in the light of our glorious and certain future Pray regularly Recognise our unity and union Pray for strength and stability Pray in the light of…
1. The Priority of Prayer (v1-4) Its Importance Its Content Its Outcome 2. The Proclamation of Truth (v5-7) By Declaration By Demonstration
Leadership is designed and delegated by God 1. Leaders must not be: Arrogant – Quick-tempered – Drunkards – Violent – Greedy 2. Leaders must be: Hospitable – Lovers of Good – Self-controlled – Upright – Holy – Disciplined 3. Leaders are tasked with: Holding Firm and Holding Forth the Trustworthy Word 4. How can we…
1. TERROR! Saul breathing out threats 2. TRANSFORMATION! From darkness to light 3. TRUTH! Jesus is the Christ
JESUS: 1) HIS PERSON! a) The image of the invisible God b) The eternal Son of the Father c) The fullness of God in bodily form 2) HIS POWER! a) The Creator & sustainer of the universe b) The head of the Church c) The risen pre-eminent One 3) HIS PURPOSE! a) To…