1. The Seeker Who is Found – Mary
2. The Doubter Who Believes – Thomas
3. The Failure Who is Restored – Peter
1. The Seeker Who is Found – Mary
2. The Doubter Who Believes – Thomas
3. The Failure Who is Restored – Peter
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Our mercy to each other comes from God’s mercy to us Sees distress; reacts with compassion; responds with practical help; shows no prejudice It’s being like Jesus! Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God Gospel transformation is first of all internal…
1) MAJESTY! (Ch 38) Questions from the creator: The earth (4-7), the sea (8-11), the dawn (12-15), the depths (16-17), the light (19-21), the snow (22-23), the storms (24-30), the stars (31-33), the clouds (37), the dust (38) 2) MASTERY! (Ch 38 & 39) The wild under His control The lions (ch 38:39), the ravens…
1) ITS APPROACH! (v9-11) Thankfully, Joyfully, Consciously, Earnestly, Persistently, Specifically, Dependently. 2) ITS APPEAL! (v10-13) Lord, Add to their faith; Lord, Increase their love; Lord, Establish their hearts; Lord, Brighten their hope 3) ITS APPROVAL! (2 Thess 1:3, Acts 20:1-2) God answered Paul’s prayers 2 Tim 1:3,11, 1 Tim 2:14, 1 Tim 3:4 Lessons PRAYER: 1)…
***Apologies the sermon was not recorded. 1) CARE How can I help? 2) COMPASSION How do I take the first step? 3) COMMITMENT Will I do all I can to serve the Lord’s people? “Love one another with brotherly affection Outdo one another in showing honour.” (Romans 12:10)
1) A PERSONAL MESSAGE (v21) “Tell Zerubbabel…” 2) A POWERFUL MESSAGE (v22) “I will….” 3) A PERMANENT MESSAGE (v23) “I have chosen you” The Kingdom you’re invited to be a citizen of is the Kingdom of a: Personal, Powerful, Permanent God So live with Kingdom PRIORITIES So live from Kingdom PERSPECTIVES So live with Kingdom PURITY…
1. Give Clear Direction (v11-12) Command and Teach (v11) Set an Example (v12) 2. Give Continual Devotion (v13-14) To the glory of God in the Scriptures (v13) To the gifting of God in your service (v14) 3. Give Constant Diligence (v15-16) Practise in order to Progress Personal Holiness and Private Application are key to effective…