Our God is on the throne and He will remember His own
He caringly works all things together for the good of His people
There is purpose in our pain
1. ANGUISH (v1-3) Jesus is in anguish of heart and mind and soul, and yet He is obedient to the will of His Father in going to the place where He knew exactly what would happen – His hour had now come. 2. AUTHORITY (v4-9) Jesus clearly demonstrates by what He says and by what…
A TESTIMONY OF FAITH! I trust in You, O Lord A TREASURY OF LIFE! You are my God A THEOLOGY OF SOUL! My times are in Your hands
1) THE OFFERING! I am ready. I am poured out. I am going home. 2) THE EPITAPH! I have fought. I have run. I have kept. 3) THE CROWN! Everlasting Righteousness Everlasting Christlikeness Everlasting Blessedness
1. Respect your leaders! (v12-13) 2. Live in peace! (v13) 3. Admonish the idle! (v14) 4. Encourage the faint-hearted! (v14) 5. Help the weak! (v14) 6. Be patient with everyone! (v14) 7. Don’t retaliate! (v15) 8. Do good to everyone! (v15) 9. Rejoice always! (v16) 10. Pray without ceasing! (v17) 11. In everything give thanks!…
1. WHAT IS THE WILL OF GOD? a) The Will of Decree We will never fully understand it while on earth God’s sovereign purpose is in all things and He is not caught off guard or out of control He works all things to the counsel of His will God plans to unite all things…
1. THE NARRATIVE – (a look at the man) a) Who was he? i) Young (v20) ii) Rich (v22) iii) Prominent (Luke 18) iv) Keen (Luke 18) v) Respectful (Luke 18) vi) Asked questions (v 16 & 20) b) What did he really think? i) I’m doing pretty well! ii) Acceptance with God is not…