ALIVE FOR EVERMORE! (1 Corinthians 15:1-11)
THE CREED! (vs 3-4)
- Christ died for our sins
- He was buried & raised on the third day
THE CROWD! (vs 5-7)
- Over 500 eye witnesses
THE CRUSADER! (vs 8-11)
- Paul who persecuted the church of God
1) Elders – above reproach: In his morality, self-control, hospitality, ability to teach, approach to alcohol, temper, attitude to money, home life, spiritual maturity, reputation outside the church. 2) Deacons – above reproach: In his/her self-control, biblical convictions, past service and development, home life, heavenly standing and confidence.
1. BE WARNED – DO NOT LOVE THE WORLD (v15-17) “The world viewed as a system organised under the dominion of Satan and not of God is not to be loved.” (John Stott) a) Remember the origin of all that is evil is from the “….the father of lies.” (John 8:44b) b) Instead of loving…
REQUEST a) From the Lord – Listen! (v3), Hear (v9) b) For the Lord RESPONSES a) The Path = A Hard Heart b) The Rocky Soil = A Shallow Heart c) The Thorny Soil = A Choked Heart d) The Good Soil = A Receiving Heart RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW a) What do…
What is the purpose of the church? What does it…do? Glorify, Edify, Multiply… How? “A community of Christians who live as an on-the-ground expression of the supremacy of Jesus, by advancing the gospel in distance, and advancing the gospel in depth” (Jonathan Parnell) How? By ministry Ministry: 4 simple questions What is it? Who…
How to run the race – Keep your focus on Jesus 1. Asa acted decisively with idolatry – (2 Chronicles 14: 2-5; 15:1-15) 2. Asa prayed dependently and expectantly – (2 Chronicles 14:11) 3. Asa foolishly failed to rely on the Lord – (2 Chronicles 16:7-8) God willingly offers and strongly supports those who run with dedication…
1) BATTLES! (9:1-16) Throughout the Persian Empire Jews defend themselves 2) BANQUETS! (9:17-32) The Feast of Purim celebrated in all the provinces 3) BLESSINGS! (10:1-3) Mordecai speaks ‘Shalom’ to all his people LESSONS: Remember God’s deliverances Seek peace and pursue it Rejoice, the Lord is King