‘Summer Psalms’ No. 5 A PERSONAL TESTIMONY? (Psalm 34)
1) A Personal Testimony (v1-10) a) Praising God (1-3) b) Seeking God (4-7) c) Experiencing God (8-10) 2) Pointed Teaching (v11-22) What is your testimony?
1) A Personal Testimony (v1-10) a) Praising God (1-3) b) Seeking God (4-7) c) Experiencing God (8-10) 2) Pointed Teaching (v11-22) What is your testimony?
1. WHO IS THE AUTHOR SPEAKING TO? (vs1, 8 & 22) The Righteous, Inhabitants of the Earth 2. WHAT IS THE AUTHOR TELLING THEM TO DO? (v1 – 3) Rejoice! Give Praise! Make Melody! Sing! Play Skilfully with a Shout of Joy TO THE LORD! 3. WHY? (vs1, 4 – 19) Because It’s Right Because…
1) PRAY/COME TO GOD Therefore… Pray (v6) Face up to guilt (v5) Confess your sin Find forgiveness from God Live free from guilt Live in deep set joy and relationship with God (v1-2) …all done through prayer/coming to God (v6) 2) DON’T BE A MULE! Don’t be stubborn like the horse or the mule (v9)…
1. I can sing because of ETERNAL CERTAINTY(v1-8) Based on: Who God is (character) What God does (actions) Why? God’s motive – His Name and His Glory (v3) 2. I can sing despite TEMPORARY MISERY (v9-13) Individual suffering (9-10) Social suffering (11-13) 1 Peter 5:11, Romans 8:18 – difficult, but no comparison to eternal glory…
1. PRAISE to God (vv 1-5) for Protection for Preservation 2. PRIDE in David (vv 6-7) Presumption in Prosperity (Psalm 19.3 / 2 Sam 5.10-11) 3. PRAYER of David (vv 8-10) Address Appeal 4. PROCLAMATION from God (vv 11-12) Reclothed Renewed
1. CRY! (v1-2a) Hear my cry, O God 2. PLEAD! (v2b-3) Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I 3. DWELL! (v4-7) Let me dwell in Your tent forever 4. SING! (v8) So I will ever sing praises to Your name
1. CONFRONTATION! (2 Sam 12:1-14) Exposed! 2. CONFESSION! (Psalm 51) Broken! 3. CONSECRATION! (Psalm 51) Humble and devoted “I will teach transgressors Your ways”
1. THE PROMISE OF GOD! He hears 2. THE PRESENCE OF GOD! He is near 3. THE PROVISION OF GOD! He delivers LESSONS: 1. Trust God’s word 2. Be real in His presence 3. Remember heaven is real 4. We have Jesus now
1. A PASSIONATE CALL! Oh give thanks to the LORD 2. A PURPOSEFUL CALL! For He is good and His steadfast love endures for ever 3. A PARTICULAR CALL! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so Redeemed from: Lostness, Darkness, Sickness, Fearfulness
1. He is SYMPATHETIC (v6) 2. He is our STRENGTH and SHIELD (v7-8) 3. He is our SAVIOUR (v8) 4. He is our SHEPHERD (v9) Our Response: Cry Out to Him (v1-2, 6) Trust in Him (v7) Rejoice in Him (v7) Give thanks to Him (v7)