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JESUS IS THE ANSWER! (Colossians 2:8-23)

TO: 1) ELITISM! (v8-10) Don’t be kidnapped by HUMAN philosophy & human tradition. You are complete in Christ   2) RITUALISM! (v11-15) It is not circumcision that matters but union with Christ   3) LEGALISM! (v16-17) Don’t let anyone pass judgement on you. You don’t need the shadow, you have the substance – Christ  …

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TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS (Colossians 1:15-23)

JESUS: 1) HIS PERSON! a) The image of the invisible God b) The eternal Son of the Father c) The fullness of God in bodily form   2) HIS POWER! a) The Creator & sustainer of the universe b) The head of the Church c) The risen pre-eminent One   3) HIS PURPOSE! a) To…

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TO COLOSSE WITH LOVE (Colossians 1:1-14)

To play the sermon click the sermon title above.  The sermon has been embedded within the page, allowing you more playback flexibility (i.e. you can move to a specific point in the sermon or pick up exactly where you left off)   1) GREETINGS! (v1-2) From the aged apostle Paul to a small group in…