CONVERSION (Acts 9:1-22)
Saul breathing out threats
From darkness to light
Jesus is the Christ
Saul breathing out threats
From darkness to light
Jesus is the Christ
1) THE LORD REIGNS! Spread the good news: God is still on the throne 2) THE LORD REDEEMS! A people sold into captivity are brought back by redeeming love 3) THE LORD RETURNS! He brings His people home He make bare His arm in power
1. THE NAME HE BORE! (v1-2) “Victory”; Famous, Wealthy, Cultured, Holy, Empty 2. THE NEED HE HAD! (v3-8) For new birth 3. THE NEWS HE HEARD! (v9-16) You must look to the cross God so loved the world ****SERMON TO FOLLOW…
1. GOSPEL GUARANTEES “I will …” 2. GOSPEL GLORY Love that results in Obedience 3. GOSPEL GIFTS Peace, Joy, Faith
***Please be aware that during the recording of this sermon we experienced some technical difficulties, some of which are evident within the sound file*** The Saviour’s Model a) CORONATION AND CELEBRATION v28-40 b) CRYING AND CONCERN v41-44 c) CLEANSING AND CURING v45-48 The Apostle’s Mission a) Philippi – The Capital of Commerce Acts 16…
Apologies for the sound quality. 1. I AM A GREAT SINNER! The admission of Saul of Tarsus. This man hated Christians, he hated the growth of “this cult” & asked the High Priest for a letter of authority to persecute anyone who believed in Jesus. 2. JESUS CHRIST IS A GREAT SAVIOUR! Jesus Christ came…
The Foundational Truths: 1. God is Light 2. God is Love “Doctrinal orthodoxy that neglects holy living does not lead to congregations that demonstrate the gospel. Wrong living is as much a denial of the gospel as wrong thinking.” 1. Christ, our Life, is eternal (v1) 2. Christ was made visible (v2) 3….