DIRECTION! (Proverbs 3:5-6)
- The Lord
- The path of whole-hearted faith and obedience
- 01052016BILLPMHe will direct my paths
He has anointed Me: To Bring Good News He has sent Me: To Bind Up The Broken-Hearted To Proclaim Liberty To The Captives To Proclaim The Year Of The Lord’s Favour To Proclaim The Day Of Vengeance Of Our God To Comfort All Who Mourn To Provide
1. Called as Christians 2. Collected as the Church 3. Existing for God’s Glory 4. Displaying God’s Glory to the Nations
1) MAJESTY! (Ch 38) Questions from the creator: The earth (4-7), the sea (8-11), the dawn (12-15), the depths (16-17), the light (19-21), the snow (22-23), the storms (24-30), the stars (31-33), the clouds (37), the dust (38) 2) MASTERY! (Ch 38 & 39) The wild under His control The lions (ch 38:39), the ravens…
Due to technical difficulties on the sound desk yesterday AM there is no sermon available. NB Mike is currently preparing the GG notes with this in mind. 1. God and Religion v1-5 Hypocrisy is Confronted, Exposed and Rejected 2. God and Reality v6-14 Practical, Godly Behaviour results in the Promise of God’s Blessing “The…
1. POISON! a) Betrayal (v1-7, 28) b) Financial Neglect (v10) c) Sabbath trading (v15) d) Domestic Chaos (v23-24) 2. PASSION! a) Clear Off! (v8-9) b) Put Right! (v11-13), c) Lock Down (v17-22) d) Sort Out! (v25-27) 3. PRAYER! a) Remember me (v14) b) Remember this (v22b) c) Remember them (v29) d) Remember me (v31)
SOMETHING… 1) SIMPLE! Do not grumble against one another, brother 2) SERIOUS! So that you may not be judged 3) STARTLING! Behold, the Judge is standing at the door.