DON’T BE GULLIBLE! (1 John 4:1-10)
. The Test v 1-6
2. The Task v 7-8
3. The Truth v 8-10
. The Test v 1-6
2. The Task v 7-8
3. The Truth v 8-10
Something: 1. HARROWING! (v1) Saul is rejected by God 2. HONOURING! (v2-4) Samuel serves the Lord even when he doesn’t feel like it 3. HUMBLING! (v5-13) Arise, anoint him, he is the one LESSONS: 1. Don’t measure people by their height but by their heart! 2. You’re never too young to be anointed of…
1) ITS PRIORITY! “Above all”, “In all circumstances” (Heb 11:6, Rom 5:1, Eph 2:8, Gal 2:20, 1 John 5:4) 2) ITS PROTECTION! Extinguish ALL the fiery darts of the evil one 3) ITS PROGRESSION! Lock shields – Stand, work, move, fight (Eph 4:11-14, 1 Peter 5:8-9)
1. BRINGING Salvation (v11) 2. TRAINING in Godliness (v12) 3. WAITING Hopefully (v13) 4. REDEEMING Sacrificially (v14) 5. PURIFYING Persistently (v14) 6. WORKING Zealously (v14) 7. EXHORTING and REBUKING Authoritatively (v15)
1) BATTLES! (9:1-16) Throughout the Persian Empire Jews defend themselves 2) BANQUETS! (9:17-32) The Feast of Purim celebrated in all the provinces 3) BLESSINGS! (10:1-3) Mordecai speaks ‘Shalom’ to all his people LESSONS: Remember God’s deliverances Seek peace and pursue it Rejoice, the Lord is King
1. DEDICATION! (v27-29) The walls of Jerusalem are dedicated to the glory of God 2. PURIFICATION (v30 & 45) The Priests, Levites, People, Walls & Gates are all purified 3. CELEBRATION (v31, 37-40, 43) Two large choirs sing and the joy of Jerusalem is heard from far away. Ezra leads a choir south, Nehemiah and…
I feel forsaken and forgotten – (49:14) The reality is you’re loved and remembered I feel bereaved and barren – (49:21) The reality is you’re going to be multiplied and restored I feel trampled and trapped – (49:24) The reality is you’re going to be rescued and renewed I feel sent away…