ENOUGH! (Acts 12:1-25)
1. PERIL! (v1-5)
Herod angry, James martyred, Peter imprisoned
2. PRAYER! (v5)
Earnest prayer for Peter made to God by the church
3. POWER! (v6-25)
Peter released, Herod deceased, God’s word increased
1. PERIL! (v1-5)
Herod angry, James martyred, Peter imprisoned
2. PRAYER! (v5)
Earnest prayer for Peter made to God by the church
3. POWER! (v6-25)
Peter released, Herod deceased, God’s word increased
1. Tension 2. Vision 3. Action 4. Unction
HIS PLIGHT! Honoured but hurting The son of my sorrow HIS PLEA! For God’s blessing: Enlarge my territory May Your hand be with me Keep me from evil Keep me from causing pain HIS PLACE! God granted what he asked
THE CITY OF THYATIRA Textiles, Dyers, Tanners, Leather workers, Guilds. THE CHURCH IN THYATIRA Works, Love, Faith, Ministry, Patience Tolerance, Idolatry, Immorality THE DECREE TO THE CHURCH IN THYATIRA To the Unrepentant To the Faithful
Zacchaeus: 1. HIS CASE! A rich, despised, apostate traitor 2. HIS CALL! Personal, urgent & effectual 3. HIS CONDUCT! Transformed by the saving grace of God
Justification brings: 1) PEACE WITH GOD Justified by faith alone Jesus the redeemer and mediator 2) ACCESS TO GRACE Through the Lord Jesus Christ A new permanent standing 3) HOPE OF GLORY Our certain hope A life of exaltation now
1) BE AWARE! (v1-3) The coming of the Lord will be: Sudden, Unexpected, Painful. 2) BE AWAKE! (v4-8) a) In the light not the dark. b) Awake not asleep. c) Sober not drunk. d) On guard not off duty. 3) BE ASSURED! (v9-11) For believers it’s a day of Salvation and life!