Walk in:
1. PURITY! (v1-8)
2. UNITY! (v9-10)
3. INTEGRITY! (v11-12)
4. EXPECTANCY (v13-18)
Walk in:
1. PURITY! (v1-8)
2. UNITY! (v9-10)
3. INTEGRITY! (v11-12)
4. EXPECTANCY (v13-18)
No outline given
How to run the race – Keep your focus on Jesus 1. Asa acted decisively with idolatry – (2 Chronicles 14: 2-5; 15:1-15) 2. Asa prayed dependently and expectantly – (2 Chronicles 14:11) 3. Asa foolishly failed to rely on the Lord – (2 Chronicles 16:7-8) God willingly offers and strongly supports those who run with dedication…
***Awaiting for A/V desk to upload the sermon*** 1) CONFLICT! “In the world you will have tribulation” Hatred, persecution, exclusion and death. 2) COURAGE! “Take heart” He gives us His peace, His word and His Spirit. 3) COMFORT! “I have overcome the world” His cross means our crown.
1. THE TEAM! (v1-3) Spiritual leaders worshipping, fasting, praying, sending Saul & Barnabas 2. THE TASK! (v4-5) They proclaim the word of God 3. THE TEST! a) Of Falsehood – Elymas b) Of Division – John Mark c) Of Conversion – Sergius Paulus
RAGE! (4:1-5) Jonah burning with rage at God’s mercy RELIEF! (4:6) God sends a plant to comfort and teach Jonah REBUKE! (4:7-11) Do you do well to be angry for the plant? Should I not pity Nineveh that great city? LESSONS: God’s mercy and grace knows no racial, national, social, sexual,…
B e sure to grieve E ndeavour to release your emotions R efuse to be rushed E xpose your own denial A nchor yourself in God V alue the support of friends E xpect many setbacks M ove forward slowly and courageously E ducate yourself in grief N urture yourself and others T rust God…