JESUS – ‘I AM’ THE TRUE VINE (John 15:1-11)
1. HIS PERSON! The ‘I AM’ 2. HIS POWER! The Source & Supply of life 3. HIS PURPOSE! To make His people Fruitful, Beautiful, Prayerful & Joyful
1. HIS PERSON! The ‘I AM’ 2. HIS POWER! The Source & Supply of life 3. HIS PURPOSE! To make His people Fruitful, Beautiful, Prayerful & Joyful
1. The Reasons for the Troubled Hearts (John13) a) One will Betray b) One will Deny c) One will Leave 2. The Reasons for Trusting Faith – (John14) a) You are going to heaven 1-6 b) You know the Father 7-11 c) You have the privilege of prayer 12-15 d) You have the Holy Spirit…
1. THE DECLARATION (v20-27) “I AM the resurrection and the life” 2. THE DEMONSTRATION (v38-44) Lazarus raised from the dead 3. THE DEMAND FOR A DECISION (v45-46,53) Some believed, others disbelieved
1. AN EXPLICIT CLAIM a) Its Context (Ezekiel 34) The failed shepherds of Israel God’s promise to be the shepherd b) Its Content (John 10:11) I am THE shepherd, the GOOD ONE 2. AN EXTENDED COMPARISON a) Sacrifice The “hired hand” (John 10: 12,13) : runs away, doesn’t care vs Good Shepherd: “lays down His…
1. A STARK CONTRAST The good and bad shepherds 2. AN EXCLUSIVE CLAIM “I am THE door” 3. AN OPEN PROMISE Anyone who enters: a) Will be saved b) Will find pasture c) Will have abundant life
1. WORDS OF REVELATION ‘I AM’……the Light 2. WORDS OF ILLUMINATION The world… darkness 3. WORDS OF SALVATION Follow Me…….light of Life
1. DIVINITY! ‘I AM’ – the Divine name 2. DISCOVERY! ‘The Bread’ – source of all satisfaction 3. DESTINY! ‘Of Life’ – abundant & eternal
1. GRIME! A tapestry of sin and shame 2. GRIEF! A tragedy of pain and loss 3. GRACE! A testimony of love and mercy
1. THE BRIDE! (v1-13) Ruth redeemed by Boaz: legally, willingly, at great cost, with great love 2. THE BOY! (v13-17) Obed, the servant worshipper 3. THE BLESSING! (v13-22) To Boaz & Ruth To Naomi (the restorer of life) To Bethlehem To Israel To the world
1. THE PLAN! (v1-5) There is rest & hope in Boaz Wash, anoint & go Humble yourself at the feet of the master (Lev 25:24-27, Deut 25:5-6) 2. THE PLEA! (v6-9) Cover me with your wings & be my Redeemer 3. THE PLEDGE! (v10-18) Blessing, love, joy, peace, safety, kindness, hope