1) UNITY IS SOMETHING: a) Good b) Precious c) Fragrant d) Refreshing e) Life giving 2) A CALL TO UNITY OF: a) Heart b) Mind c) Spirit d) Will e) Purpose f) Direction
1) UNITY IS SOMETHING: a) Good b) Precious c) Fragrant d) Refreshing e) Life giving 2) A CALL TO UNITY OF: a) Heart b) Mind c) Spirit d) Will e) Purpose f) Direction
1) LORD DELIVER US! (1 Pet 5:8-9, Mark 7:20-23) From the evil one From our evil hearts 2) LORD DEFEND US! (Psalm 25:1, 16-18; Psalm 27:1,5) From our enemies 3) LORD DISPLAY US! (Eph 3:10, Col 1:21, Jude 25) Before the angels
1) WAIT! For God alone 2) TRUST! In Him at all times 3) POUR! Out your heart before Him 4) REST! In His refuge
1) THE CALL! “Trust Him at all times, O people.” 2) THE CRY! “Pour out your heart before Him” “When you pray let your heart be without words rather than your words without heart”. (John Bunyan) 3) THE COMFORT! God is a refuge for us
1) Praiseworthy because of who He is (v1-3) 2) Praiseworthy because of what He has done (v4-5) 3) Praiseworthy because He protects and declares justice (v6-9)
1. THINGS CELESTIAL PRAISING GOD (v1-6) a) The heights of heaven (v1&4) b) The hosts of heaven (v2) c) Sun, moon and stars (v3) d) Why? He Called them into Creation (v5-6) 2. THINGS TERRESTRIAL PRAISING GOD (v7-14) a) Great sea creatures (v7) b) The weather and seasons (v8) c) The natural world (v9-10)…
1) THE LORD GATHERS THE SCATTERED OUTCASTS! Praise him for your salvation – let him restore you (Neh 1:9) 2) THE LORD RULES AND SUSTAINS Praise him for his creation – know that he cares for you. (Isa 54:10) 3) THE LORD DELIGHTS IN HIS PEOPLE Praise him for his steadfast love – walk in…
1. REJOICING In the Lord (v1-2) 2. REJECTING The trust of men (v3-4) 3. RELYING On the Lord a) Past v5-6a b) Present v6b-9 c) Future v10
INTRODUCTION Gateway to Psalms 146-150 – the final Psalms of praise (the ‘Hallelujah Psalms’) Last recorded Psalm of David Acrostic Psalm – each verse begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet Considered by Jewish writers to be one of the greatest Psalms in the collection Called simply “David’s song of praise” in KJV 3…
1) A Personal Testimony (v1-10) a) Praising God (1-3) b) Seeking God (4-7) c) Experiencing God (8-10) 2) Pointed Teaching (v11-22) What is your testimony?