1. The Priority of Prayer (v1-4)
Its Importance
Its Content
Its Outcome
2. The Proclamation of Truth (v5-7)
By Declaration
By Demonstration
1) MAJESTY! (v29) His face & clothes become dazzling white He became on the outside what He was on the inside 2) MINISTRY! (v30-31) Moses & Elijah spoke of His departure, His cross & His crown 3) MYSTERY! (v34) A cloud came and overshadowed them A cloud of God’s glory 4) MONARCHY! (v35-36) This is…
Look what’s in the Priest’s Postbag … A) Something: Personal – (v68) Paying a Debt – (v68) Promised – (v69-70, 72-73) Powerful – (v71,74) Permanent – (v74-75) Prophesied – (76-78) Piercing – (v79) Peaceful – (v79) B) This wonderful and threatening Gospel demands a change in us: From Tradition to Truth From…
Empowered by Hope (v1-2) Living righteous lives in the light of promised rest Exhibiting Openness (v3-8) No Separation among the Saved The Barred will be Blessed Putting the Principles into Practice Our relationships in Christ should be the most important Your family in heaven matters more than your family on earth Our relationships…
A Godly Purpose A Clear Plan A Willing People A Burning Passion Challenges – Are You?: Constructor, Destructor, Obstructer? Co-operator or Competitor? And Is Each Part Working Properly?
The Prescription: Matt 6:25-34 Remember who God is and how He cares v25-6; 31-2 Recognise that worry doesn’t work v27 Resolve to trust Him more v28-30 Reset your heart’s priorities v33 Rely on today’s grace for todays’ troubles v34 Who’s Approval Are You Seeking? Approval Anxiety The Fear of Man – Proverbs 25:29 The snare…
1. MY SHEEP HEAR ME Do you hear Him ? “He who listens to me will dwell secure , and will be at ease without dread of disaster.” (Proverbs 1:33) 2. I KNOW THEM Nobody knows you like Jesus knows you. (Read Psalm 139) 3. THEY FOLLOW ME Who have you followed this past…