FRIDAY – our dreams died
SATURDAY – our beliefs buried
SUNDAY – our hearts ALIVE!!
Jesus Knows: 1. What Motivates and What Matters (v13-17) 2. The Futility of Signs and the Security of the Future in Him (v18-23) 3. About the Faith of ALL people – the Real and the Counterfeit (v24-25)
1. WHERE HE SAT Opposite the treasury (Mark 12:41) 2. WHO HE SAW The wealthy & the widow 3. WHAT HE SAID “She put in all…” Man sees what is given; God sees what is left
A place for: 1. Unsurpassed – JOY 2. Unfading – GLORY 3. Undiminished – BLISS 4. Unlimited – DELIGHTS 5. Unending – PLEASURES 6. Undeserving – PEOPLE For every ACHIEVEMENT there is a PRICE. For every GOAL there is an OPPONENT. For every VICTORY there is a PROBLEM. For every TRIUMPH there is a SACRIFICE….
1) A REBUKE! (3:13) Your words have been hard against Me says the Lord The people were cynical – it’s vain to serve God 2) A RECOGNITION! (3:14-16) Those who feared the Lord and esteemed His name were His treasured possession 3) A RETURN! (4:1-6) The great and awesome Day of the Lord A Day…
1. TRAUMA A poor helpless, hopeless, desperate man 2. TRUTH Jesus Christ offers more than money can buy 3. TRANSFORMATION He went walking and leaping and praising God. The Transformation was: Unexpected, Sovereign, Supernatural, Instantaneous, Complete & Gave Glory to God NOT man.
A Place of: 1. TRAUMA! David alone in the cave. “No-one cares for my soul” 2. TRAINING! His family and 400 broken people join him 3. TRANSFORMATION! Wanting God’s will and doing God’s will LESSONS: 1. God is the restorer of His people 2. God sees diamonds in the rough 3. Obedience is better than…