WHITE AS SNOW (Isaiah 1:18)
Come now let us reason together says the Lord.
Though your sins are as scarlet.
They shall be as white as snow.
Come now let us reason together says the Lord.
Though your sins are as scarlet.
They shall be as white as snow.
THE PEOPLE! (v1-3) They were United, Hungry & Attentive THE PURPOSE! (v4-8) The word was Read clearly, Explained simply, Applied faithfully THE POWER! (v9-18) It Enlightened, Convicted, Corrected & Gladdened The Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated HERE’S HOW TO KNOW IF YOU NEED REVIVAL Your prayer life ceases to be living and vital Hunger…
1) REMEMBER! The great cloud of witnesses 2) RESOLVE! To lay aside To run with endurance To fix your gaze 3) REJOICE! After the pain comes the prize The joy of heaven awaits
1. Mistaken Identity (v43-46) 2. Miraculous Introduction (v47-49) 3. Marvellous Invitation (v50-51)
Apologies for the sound quality of the audio. This will be rectified in time for next Sunday’s sermon. 1) SACRED! God-breathed Its testimony, majesty, harmony, reliability,accuracy, prophecy, morality, continuity, simplicity & authority 2) SAVING! A book that speaks of the Saviour of Sinners Christ in all the Scriptures. 3) SANCTIFYING! Profitable for teaching, reproving, correcting, training, maturing…
The Principle (v21-22) It’s the ROOT that leads to the FRUIT A Matter of the Heart The Practice (v23-26) In the Church and in the Community: BE RECONCILED! A Matter of Priority A Matter of Urgency A Matter of Honesty
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